I've been feeling awful lately... I feel alone. It's weird, cause usually I do enjoy solitude but it's not the case. I feel like I don't have any good real true friend around me, and it makes me really sad. But I reckon that it's part of my fault. School freaks me out, I don't stand it anymore (and thank God winter holidays have started!). I'm different from the rest of my classmates. I mean, we all are different from each other, but the truth is that at the same time they all follow the mass, they think but at the same time they don't. Am I making my point? It's complicated, but it is how I feel. I'm not like them, I hate doing what everybody does, and I hate being set aside because I don't do what they do.
I'm confused and I feel terrible with myself. These past weeks, I hated myself (still do). I'm not as sweet and kind as I used to be with the others, but not because I don't want to, it's just that I can't. And what it's worse I'm being rude with my parents too, and I just can't tolerate that.
Now, that holidays have just started and I'm visiting my uncle and cousins in Bariloche, I will try to relax and take all the stress out.
I want to be just as I was. Or at least, a better person. Wanna have true friends who love me as I am, and still be friends with my Twitter friends who are amazing. Call me crazy but I found incredible people who with I share likes, dislikes, personalities and values, and also make me feel loved and less lonely.
To sum up, these 15 days of vacations I will try my best to rest mind and body so that I can be better with myself and the others. I'll be okey, cause I have my music at my side, always saving me.
Happy winter holidays, have fun, enjoy and be yourself, that's my advice.