Thursday, August 26, 2010

The heart may freeze

or it can burn
The pain will ease

if I can learn
There is no future
There is no past
I live this moment

as my last
There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss

No other road
No other way
No day but today

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hello hurricane, you're not enough
Hello hurricane,
you can't silence my love
I've got doors and windows boarded up
All your dead end fury is not enough
You can't silence my love, my love
Every thing I have I count as loss
Everything I have is stripped away
Before I started building I counted up these costs
There's nothing left for you to take away

Saturday, August 14, 2010

When you are smiling,

when you are smiling,

the whole world

smiles with you…

Friday, August 13, 2010

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss,

I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.
Just saying this: Sweet dreams

till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams that leave

all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be,

dream a little dream of me.